Kalee De France, PhD

Assistant Professor

Faculty of Management, Psychology
Office: EME4115
Phone: 250.807.9203
Email: kalee.defrance@ubc.ca

Graduate student supervisor. Not considering Psychology graduate students for September 2025 intake.

Research Summary

Emotion and emotion regulation; child development; adolescence; inequality; adversity; poverty;

Courses & Teaching

Lifespan Development (PSYO220)


Kalee De France is an Assistant Professor at UBCO in the departments of Psychology and Management. Kalee’s research has two main themes:

​1) Emotion Regulation: Kalee researches how, and how well, individuals manage their emotions. We all experience big swells of emotions from time to time, but the ways that we deal with these emotions, and how well we do so, varies dramatically. In particular, Kalee is interested in how and why individuals develop specific patterns of emotion regulation, the efficacy of emotion regulation training programs, and how individual differences in emotion regulation map onto wellbeing.

2) Adversity and Child Emotion Development: Kalee is also very interested in studying the effects of adversity, such as poverty, on child development. Specifically, Kalee studies the ways that adversity, such as poverty exposure, can undermine a child’s ability to understand and manage their emotions by (a) encouraging reliance on strategies that may be unhelpful in a broader range of emotional situations, and (b) creating difficulties with broader emotion regulation abilities.

To learn more about Kalee’s research see www.KaleeDeFrance.com or her lab site: www.theseedlab.ca


The Seed Lab

Google Scholar


PhD Queen's University, 2019
MSc Queen's University, 2015

Selected Publications & Presentations

  • De France, K., Evans, G., Brody, G., Doan, S. (2022). Cost of resilience: Childhood poverty, mental health, and chronic physiological stress. Psychoneuroendocrinology. Advance online publication.
  • De France, K., Stack, D., Serbin, L. (In Press). Associations between early poverty exposure and adolescent well-being: The role of childhood negative emotionality. Development and Psychopathology. Advance online publication.
  • De France, K., Hicks, O., Hollenstein, T. (2022). Understanding the association between reappraisal use and depressive symptoms during adolescence: The moderating influence of reappraisal success. Cognition and Emotion, 36(4), 758-766.
  • Evans, G.W., De France, K. (2022). Childhood Poverty and Mental Health Trajectories: The Mediating Role of Cumulative Risk Exposure. Development and Psychopathology, 34(3), 911-921.
  • De France, K., Hollenstein, T. (2021). Emotion regulation strategy use and success during adolescence: Assessing the role of context. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 32(2), 720-736.
  • De France, K., Evans, G. (2020). Expanding Context in the Role of Emotion Regulation in Mental Health: How SES and Developmental Stage Matter. Emotion, 21(4), 772–782.


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